The month in reverse mortgage rates: September 2024

3 months ago 74

In the August complaint update, I explained wherefore implicit 99% of Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (HECMs) are adaptable involvement complaint loans and the advantages of this implicit the fixed-rate counterpart. Some of those advantages amended implicit time, similar the integrated line-of-credit growth. So, would it marque consciousness to use close away, adjacent though rates whitethorn diminution successful the future?

According to accepted wisdom, homeowners should clasp disconnected connected getting a reverse owe until they request it oregon until involvement rates decrease. To the novice, this whitethorn look to beryllium the close choice. After all, older ages and little involvement rates mostly output higher main limits. However, the costs volition typically outweigh the benefits of waiting.

The costs and risks of waiting

Using a reverse owe arsenic a “last resort” is mostly not optimal. Published research successful the Journal of Financial Planning has demonstrated this. The reverse mortgage, obtained arsenic aboriginal arsenic possible, creates much efficiencies successful retirement. They person the imaginable to summation currency travel and liquidity, trim taxation liability, and, successful immoderate cases, summation nett worth.

While we cannot spell into item connected the fiscal readying advantages, see these basal costs and risks of waiting:

  1. Lost compounded LOC growth
    Time is connected the broadside of homeowners who get a reverse owe arsenic aboriginal arsenic possible. The unused main volition turn successful the borrower’s favour astatine existent involvement rates positive 0.50%.
  2. Lost currency travel opportunities
    Cash travel instantly improves erstwhile paying disconnected a accepted owe with a reverse owe due to the fact that the reverse owe requires nary monthly main and involvement owe payment.
  3. Regulatory risk
    Reverse owe regulations and guidelines change periodically. While immoderate changes whitethorn beryllium advantageous, others person created further challenges.
  4. Qualification risk
    There is nary warrant 1 volition suffice for a reverse owe erstwhile needed. Many homeowners person recovered retired the hard way: it’s amended to person a LOC and not request it than to request it and not person it.
  5. Valuation risk
    For immoderate markets, waiting whitethorn trim main limits if spot values decline. Obtaining a reverse owe aboriginal locks successful today’s worth for calculating archetypal main limits.

September 2024 update

The 10-year Constant Maturity Treasury (CMT) play mean — utilized for calculating HECM expected rates — has decreased 48 ground points since the opening of August. The caller mean (3.77%) is added to the lender margin, and the resulting expected complaint is effectual for caller HECM applications from Sept. 10 to Sept. 16.


This represents the lowest scale rates we’ve seen since June of 2023. Also enactment we’ve seen a narrowing of the dispersed betwixt the 10-year and 1-year CMT averages (-0.45%).

Graphics by Dan Hultquist. This file does not needfully bespeak the sentiment of HousingWire’s Reverse Mortgage Daily and its owners.

To interaction the writer of this story: Dan Hultquist at

To interaction the exertion liable for this story: Chris Clow at

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