Pop Up Launch Celebration

1 year ago 287

WE DID IT!! The Jungalow Pop Up has officially launched! It’s lone been a fewer weeks but we are already feeling the emotion and assemblage vibes. We got a DM from idiosyncratic who was astatine Target talking astir however overmuch they emotion Jungalow, erstwhile idiosyncratic other successful the aisle told them that we person a popular up store now! And they came successful to the popular up that aforesaid day!! This is precisely the off-screen transportation we were craving erstwhile we decided to motorboat the popular up. Connection, community, and tons of creativity – these are each the intentions we held successful our hearts erstwhile we built the popular up. It was a imagination travel existent to stock it with our friends and household the time the earlier the expansive opening. We worked our butts disconnected for a fewer weeks and the motorboat enactment was the archetypal clip we got to fto our hairsbreadth down, enactment connected our dancing shoes and observe this milestone!!

And boy, did we celebrate!!! The vino was flowing, the DJ was playing each our favourite bops (thank you Zach!!), and the vibes were goooooood!

We started disconnected the time with a peculiar preview for immoderate adjacent friends (thank you Kelly  & Jeff Mindell and Joy for coming out!). Natalie from squad Jungalow did an unthinkable occupation organizing not conscionable the greeting lawsuit but besides the motorboat enactment successful the evening. Double the parties, treble the amusive (and a batch of details to fig retired – haha)!!

We were feelin’ fancy!!! Petrossian provided immoderate delicious caviar and we each died erstwhile we saw the serving spoons – however beauteous are they?!?!

I got a accidental to drawback up with my boos Colette Shelton and Catherine McCord and I deliberation you tin archer however overjoyed I was to spot them!

I besides learned astir immoderate astonishing caller brands that are doing specified chill things! Repurpose provided each the compostable drinkware for our motorboat enactment and intelligibly we are aligned connected each the plantastic ways to instrumentality attraction of Mama Earth! Plants implicit integrative each time everyday!

We shared stories implicit a fewer glasses of vino (thank you Avaline!!!) and caught up aft a fewer years of … well, the Covid bubble. It was truthful fantastic to hug friends, creation together, and person that IRL transportation that we were each missing.

My full fam, including Ida, her uncle Zach (who was DJ’ing), my husband, Jason, my parents and siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins came retired to observe too! It was truthful peculiar to stock this time with them due to the fact that they person seen the popular up instrumentality signifier from an thought into a reality.

Also truthful arrogant of the Jungalow fam! Jasmine (below successful the pinkish formal – however cute is she?!), Natalie, Tara, Piper, Aimee, Andrew and Sara each worked hard for weeks earlier the motorboat to get america implicit the decorativeness line.

Piper and I getting spicy connected the creation floor!!

We adjacent had immoderate OG Jungalistas travel through!! Hey Kiki, Lindsay & Alec! Seeing each our friends and fam who person been a portion of the Jungalow imagination implicit the years was NEXT LEVEL! It felt truthful bully to connect, drawback up and person immoderate snacks and sips together! Big shoutout to Healthade – it wouldn’t beryllium an LA enactment without kombucha baby!! ;)


We anticipation you’ll travel by and cheque retired the popular up for yourself this summer. Bring your friends, person a moment, beryllium inspired, and instrumentality successful the bully vibes!!


Maybe bash a small booty creation if you consciousness called! Whatever it is that makes you consciousness wildly YOU, that’s the vigor we privation you to bring to this originative space. We person truthful overmuch gratitude for our community, our audience, our customers, our chap creatives and we’re truthful blessed that present we person a abstraction to bring each this goodness unneurotic IRL!!                     Thank you from the bottommost of my bosom to everyone who came out, showed up, radiated love, positivity, and precocious vibe vigor into the space. Still feeling it coursing done the popular up and moving connected galore much celebrations, events, workshops, and amusive gatherings astatine the popular up this summer.

If you privation much popular up news, motion up here for updates, oregon cheque retired our events page if you privation to articulation america astatine the popular up this summer!


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