My Dog Ate Glass: Our Vet Explains the Potential Risks, Signs & Next Steps

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The station My Dog Ate Glass: Our Vet Explains the Potential Risks, Signs & Next Steps by Dr. Ashley Darby BVSc (Veterinarian) appeared archetypal connected Dogster. Copying implicit full articles infringes connected copyright laws. You whitethorn not beryllium alert of it, but each of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, truthful they aren't considered nationalist domain. However, we admit that you similar the nonfiction and would emotion it if you continued sharing conscionable the archetypal paragraph of an article, past linking retired to the remainder of the portion connected

Dogs eating solid is simply a risky situation. Shards of solid tin harm the gastrointestinal tract oregon adjacent perforate it, which tin beryllium a life-threatening situation. However, the hazard depends connected what the solid is like. You request to instrumentality your canine to the vet, but we volition springiness you a speedy rundown of what you should know.

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What Happens If a Dog Eats Glass?

There are a fewer imaginable consequences of your canine eating glass. The size and magnitude of solid shards, and whether they are crisp oregon smooth, volition greatly interaction what is apt to happen. That’s wherefore each lawsuit is different, and you should ever speech to your vet if your canine has eaten glass.

1. Nothing

There are cases of solid moving on the gastrointestinal tract and being pooped out. This tin hap successful humans and dogs. However, successful the canine lawsuit we referenced, the solid was successful the signifier of creaseless rocks, which importantly lowers the hazard of it cutting done the intestine oregon humor vessels. Some abdominal symptom could occur, but the solid whitethorn walk done without an issue.

golden retriever canine  lying connected  the carpetImage Credit: Prostock-studio, Shutterstock

2. Lodges successful the Esophagus

A portion of solid could lodge successful the esophagus connected the mode down to the stomach. A portion of solid present is precise uncomfortable for your dog. They mightiness drool, cough, gag, vomit, oregon adjacent bring up blood. They astir apt won’t privation to devour and drink. The solid tin origin much superior complications successful the thorax cavity, similar mediastinitis oregon pneumothorax.

If your favored is showing these signs, we suggest you talk to a vet.

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3. Intestinal Damage

Glass successful the intestinal tract tin origin cuts successful the interior furniture of the intestines. Aside from being painful, this makes your canine much susceptible to infections. You mightiness spot signs of bleeding into the gastrointestinal tract, similar humor successful the stool, vomit, oregon acheronian tarry feces (digested blood).

vet examines the abdomen of the canine  with the ultrasound deviceImage Credit: thka, Shutterstock

4. Intestinal Perforation

Sharp shards of solid tin get pushed done the partition of the tummy oregon intestines with the mean movements of these organs. If this happens, the tummy acid, digestive juices, food, and bacteria successful your dog’s gut volition leak into the abdomen. Your dog’s immune strategy reacts by generating inflammation successful the abdomen to combat this worldly being wherever it shouldn’t be.

This is called peritonitis, and if determination is simply a bacterial infection, it’s called septic peritonitis. Signs of peritonitis see fluid successful the abdomen, abdominal pain, and fever. It tin rapidly person life-threatening complications similar systemic inflammatory effect syndrome (SIRS) and sepsis.

5. Internal Bleeding

If, astatine immoderate stage, crisp pieces of solid are unfortunate capable to chopped into a humor vessel, interior bleeding tin occur. If this happens, your canine whitethorn bleed into the gut, thorax cavity, oregon abdomen. They could besides person signs of humor nonaccomplishment similar airy gums, accelerated breathing, and a accelerated bosom rate.

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How Do You Get Glass Out of a Dog?

Glass is disposable connected X-rays, and your vet volition astir apt privation to commencement with immoderate images to spot however overmuch solid has been ingested, the size of the shards, and their location. Depending connected their findings, they whitethorn urge attraction oregon sermon a fewer options with you to get the solid retired of your dog.

Sometimes, it tin beryllium viable to effort to fto the solid walk done connected its own. A high-fiber fare tin pad retired the glass, reducing the hazard of harm arsenic it moves on the digestive tract. It would usually instrumentality 1–2 days for thing to walk done the gastrointestinal tract, but sometimes, it tin instrumentality longer.

If the solid is successful the esophagus oregon stomach, endoscopy is simply a large enactment for removing it. This involves anesthetizing your dog and utilizing a peculiar instrumentality called an endoscope, which includes a camera, light, and grabbing tools.

Surgery is different enactment to region the glass. It whitethorn beryllium needed if the endoscopic retrieval fails oregon the solid has moved past the stomach. Surgery is much invasive and carries much risk, but sometimes, you person nary choice! Surgery is simply a amended alternate to intestinal perforation and peritonitis.

veterinarian squad  examining canine  successful  x-ray roomImage Credit: Roman Zaiets, Shutterstock

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Final Thoughts

Just erstwhile you deliberation everything is going well, your canine does thing absurd similar eating glass. You mightiness person dropped a solid jar, and successful your dog’s haste to cleanable up for you, they could’ve swallowed the glass. You should take your pup to the vet immediately if they devour glass. Your vet tin localize the solid they whitethorn person eaten and marque a program to assistance your dog.

Featured Image Credit: dba duplessis, Shutterstock

The station My Dog Ate Glass: Our Vet Explains the Potential Risks, Signs & Next Steps by Dr. Ashley Darby BVSc (Veterinarian) appeared archetypal connected Dogster. Copying implicit full articles infringes connected copyright laws. You whitethorn not beryllium alert of it, but each of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, truthful they aren't considered nationalist domain. However, we admit that you similar the nonfiction and would emotion it if you continued sharing conscionable the archetypal paragraph of an article, past linking retired to the remainder of the portion connected

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