The roadworthy transport section (JPJ) contiguous opened its caller Putrajaya bureau astatine Level 1, Galeria PJH Precinct 4 commercialized building. This follows connected the surprise visit by the main caput to the government, Tan Sri Shamsul Azri Abu Bakar, to the aged bureau past September, successful which helium identified issues specified arsenic lengthy waiting times for customers and unfriendly waiting areas.
Transport curate Anthony Loke, who officiated the opening of the caller facility, said the caller bureau symbolises JPJ’s committedness to improving the prime of services to the people. “People bash not travel to JPJ for events oregon awards. They travel present to lick problems. Therefore, our precedence is to guarantee that each substance they woody with is facilitated, with accelerated and businesslike services,” helium said successful his opening speech.
Loke said the caller outlet, which was completed successful conscionable 4 months, offers much conducive modern facilities and has a larger capableness to amended accommodate customers. He said that the fig of services offered by the subdivision has been expanded from 27 types of transactions to 106, which puts it connected par with authorities JPJ offices, reflecting the department’s accrued quality to conscionable the needs of the people.

He added that the bureau is besides equipped with JPJ Assist and kiosk services to alteration customers to implicit their transactions successful easier fashion. However, carnal counters are inactive contiguous to service those who are much comfy with the accepted approach.
The Putrajaya subdivision volition not beryllium the lone 1 to beryllium revamped, arsenic Loke said that each JPJ offices nationwide volition beryllium upgraded successful phases with a much customer-friendly concept, with precedence to beryllium fixed to the locations that are ever congested, Bernama reports.
He added that the ministry was considering opening different JPJ bureau successful Nilai to instrumentality the load disconnected the Bangi JPJ office, which is 1 of the busiest outlets.
The station JPJ opens its caller Putrajaya bureau successful Galeria PJH – improved capacity, accrued scope of services appeared archetypal connected Paul Tan's Automotive News.