If you’ve ever wondered however to harness bid a cat, you’re successful the close place.
Taking your feline retired into the large wide world has go much fashionable successful caller years. It’s not conscionable dogs that get each the extracurricular glory, ohio no.
Kitties are present being taken outdoors, experiencing caller sights and smells, and getting progressive successful everything from sailing to leisurely regular walks…the satellite has genuinely go their oyster!
But conscionable similar dogs, cats request to beryllium well trained and secured whilst retired connected the town.
The usage of a harness is simply a large mode to support your feline harmless and unafraid erstwhile retired and about. As cats are not needfully arsenic casual to bid oregon retrieve arsenic dogs, other information measures are wise.
But however bash you harness bid a cat?
Surely this is simply a hard situation to undertake?
Actually, with the close method and a gentle hand, harness grooming your cat tin beryllium arsenic casual arsenic pie. Before you cognize it, your furry small buddy volition beryllium by your broadside connected each your adventures.
In this nonfiction we research the benefits of harness grooming your cat and however to bash it. And besides further useful tips and tricks to marque the process easier, with guidance connected fun things you tin bash with your cat outdoors.
Key Takeaways – How to Harness Train a Cat
- Your feline should deterioration a harness if you privation to research caller areas and support them secure. Or if you’re going connected a longer travel and request to support them safe.
- The benefits of harness grooming your feline include: much stimulation and enrichment for your cat, bonding opportunities together, and accrued protection.
- A cat’s harness should acceptable conscionable right. Too choky = restricts question and is uncomfortable. Too escaped = casual to gaffe retired of and tin rub.
- Be alert that large velcro noises connected a harness tin startle your cat. So beryllium gentle with velcro straps.
- Get your feline comfortable successful their harness slowly, utilizing affirmative reinforcement and starting disconnected small. Once they’re much accepting of their harness, you tin widen their exploration to longer journeys.
- The best activities to bash with your feline outdoors see hiking, sailing, climbing and camping. The world’s your oyster with an escapade feline by your side!
Let’s get to it!

The Benefits of Harness Training a Cat
There are rather a fewer reasons wherefore your feline mightiness payment from harness training. These include:
Pet parents are present uncovering that taking their feline for a regular walk tin beryllium beneficial for their fur baby.
Typically, cats person not historically been considered animals that tin beryllium walked. But taking your feline retired connected a supervised walk is not lone an fantabulous bonding enactment for you and your kitty, it tin assistance your feline to socialize and get utilized to different radical and animals.
It tin besides let them to experience caller sounds and smells, arsenic good arsenic feed their curiosity and fto them explore terrain they different whitethorn not experience.
Hiking with cats has go progressively fashionable too. However these environments, whilst ace breathtaking for some you and your cat, tin beryllium a spot much treacherous. So safety needs to beryllium an implicit priority.
By keeping your feline connected a harness and leash, they tin research the wilderness with ease. It besides means that you tin pull them retired of danger, should you travel crossed immoderate unfriendly animals oregon peculiarly precarious terrain.
We’ve adjacent written an nonfiction connected How to Walk Your Cat connected a Leash (in 7 Easy Steps) to assistance marque your adventures adjacent easier.
Getting your feline used to a harness is peculiarly adjuvant erstwhile it comes to traveling with your cat.
Whether it’s abbreviated car journeys to the vet, longer roadworthy trips, bid oregon vessel travel, oregon adjacent planetary travel, a harness tin assistance support your kitty unafraid connected the journey.
Most harnesses person the enactment to clip into car seats truthful your feline volition beryllium harmless during travel.
The usage of a harness besides means that your feline has much freedom. They tin curl up successful a comfy spot and are little restricted by apparatus similar crates and feline boxes.
Travel tin beryllium a stressful experience for cats, and truthful making their travel arsenic comfortable and free arsenic imaginable volition assistance ease immoderate of their travel anxiety.
More adventurous activities
If you’re readying connected taking your feline retired connected much adventurous trips — possibly a time retired onboard a boat, exploring caller and absorbing environments, and adjacent camping retired successful the chaotic — you tin assistance summation the information of your small escapade buddy by grooming them to wear a harness.
A harness and leash volition let you to support an oculus connected wherever your feline wanders to, arsenic good arsenic being capable to much easy pull them retired of harm’s way if request be. So you’ll beryllium keeping them arsenic protected arsenic possible.

How to Harness Train a Cat – Getting Your kitty Comfortable
If you’re inactive searching for the champion feline harness, cheque retired our nonfiction connected The 5 Best Cat Harnesses For Adventurous Felines.
And besides our Instagram for the types of harnesses our three-legged fable Yoda wears.
Because adjacent comes the tricky bit…
…Getting your feline comfy and utilized to their caller outerwear.
Here are our apical tips for however to harness bid your cat. So you marque the modulation into harness-wearing arsenic creaseless arsenic possible:
1. Gentle does it
Harness grooming is simply a substance which indispensable beryllium approached gently.
Going successful hard and manhandling your feline into the harness volition ne'er spell down well. Cats are not utilized to wearing apparel and truthful this is going to beryllium an unusual sensation for them.
Be prepared for uncertainty and hesitancy from your feline erstwhile presented with the harness. Allow them to sniff it, touch it and amusement them that it is not a threat.
When the harness is on, it is wholly mean for your feline to walk a spot funny oregon wholly freeze up and not privation to move. They abruptly person a overseas entity wrapped astir their assemblage and it tin instrumentality a fewer minutes for them to adjust.
2. Make it a affirmative experience
You privation your feline to associate their harness with a affirmative experience.
And truthful use:
- Treats
- Toys
- Cuddles
As rewards and distractions to assistance easiness them into the harness. This volition marque it thing good, alternatively than thing caller and scary.
Different harnesses person clip and/or velcro fastenings. The noise of velcro successful peculiar tin beryllium precise startling for cats, and truthful beryllium alert that the sound mightiness marque your feline nervous.
Handle the velcro and clips gently and slowly truthful that the noises are not arsenic abrupt. And guarantee tons of positive reinforcement aft each step.
It has been recommended to effort putting the harness connected during a repast time, to distract them from the feeling.
3. Make it 2nd nature
Put your cat’s harness connected regularly for short periods of time, to acclimate them to the sensation and get them utilized to having it on.
With luck, they yet won’t enactment up excessively overmuch of a combat arsenic the harness goes on. Plus erstwhile the harness is on, they won’t caput it arsenic much.
You privation to get to the constituent wherever wearing the harness feels familiar to your cat, wherever it nary longer feels restrictive oregon unusual and they tin determination astir rather happily with it on.
As a kitty parent, you privation to marque definite that your feline tin determination astir with ease. And besides that the harness is not hindering their movement successful immoderate way.
It’s besides captious that you acquisition a harness successful the correct size for your feline and adjust the harness accordingly. Too choky and it volition beryllium uncomfortable; excessively escaped and it volition not beryllium secure and whitethorn rub connected their skin.
4. Practice astir the house
Before you task outside, locomotion your feline around the house.
Attach the leash to the harness and let your feline to lead you around, occasionally mildly pulling connected the leash truthful that they get utilized to the sensation of being handled successful this way.
(It past won’t beryllium arsenic overmuch of a astonishment for them, erstwhile it is clip to spell outside.)
You and your feline volition make your ain signifier of communication. You volition get to cognize their signs and triggers, and they volition get to recognize your commands and actions.
5. Short adventures archetypal – gathering up to bigger ones!
When taking your feline extracurricular for the archetypal time, it’s important to fto them cognize they are safe.
Keep your doorway unfastened and determination astir the garden. That way, they get to cognize their acquainted territory archetypal and person a mode to get backmost to the information of wrong if they request to.
Be led by them. Don’t propulsion them to spell excessively acold retired of their comfort zone excessively soon. Too overmuch excessively soon volition apt freak them out and set back immoderate advancement you person made.
Once you get a consciousness that your feline is increasing much confident and comfortable outside, extend the exploration parameters, yet moving up to longer adventures.
There is nary rush. Your feline volition fto you cognize what they are acceptable for, and with tons of love and encouragement their assurance is definite to grow.
6. Harnesses aren’t for each cat
It’s captious that you listen to however your feline reacts to their harness.
If they are inactive not blessed aft respective tries of wearing the harness oregon go visibly distressed, it’s astir apt an denotation that harness beingness conscionable isn’t for them.
Never unit your feline to deterioration a harness if they precise evidently don’t similar it. Cats are easy stressed and trying to get them to deterioration a harness erstwhile they don’t privation to volition lone provoke further stress and trauma responses.
There are truthful galore astonishing activities you tin bash with your feline that don’t necessitate the request for a harness. So wage attraction to your fur baby’s responses to these stimuli and adjust accordingly to support them blessed and comfortable.

Fun Activities For When Your Cat Is Harness Trained
Explore caller terrains
Hiking, camping and exploring caller environments is simply a favourite pastime of some feline and canine owners alike.
Spending clip successful quality with your furry person tin beryllium highly restorative, arsenic good arsenic being stimulating for your favored and encouraging their confidence and curiosity.
Check retired our nonfiction connected How to Train An Adventurous Feline for other inspiration.
Out connected the water
Whether you’re climbing onboard a vessel oregon snuggling into a canoe, sailing with cats has go an progressively fashionable enactment amongst favored parents.
Take successful immoderate of that caller oversea air…and possibly pass the fishes what mightiness beryllium coming their way!
You tin present instrumentality your feline climbing!
Ensure your feline is connected a leash to supply maximum information and scope up to caller heights, manus successful paw.

In Conclusion: How to Harness Train a Cat
So, to reply the eventual question of however to harness bid a cat?
With a dash of patience and a fewer treats to hand, your feline should go comfortable wearing their harness. And erstwhile they are blessed successful a harness, get acceptable for much adventures with your furry feline friend!
Here’s a wrap-up of the essentials:
- There are each sorts of benefits to harness grooming your cat. Most importantly, it volition let you to support them safe erstwhile retired exploring the satellite together.
- It’s captious to easiness your feline gently into the acquisition of wearing a harness. Offer positive reinforcements specified arsenic treats and cuddles to assistance your feline subordinate their harness with a good experience. It’ll besides assistance to minimize the unease of this caller sensation.
- Be led by your cat. Harnesses volition not suit each cat, and if they evidently don’t similar it, do not unit them into one. For cats that don’t caput their harness, commencement with smaller explorations and let them to build up to longer trips out.
We would emotion to cognize what your feline makes of their harness, if you look immoderate issues erstwhile harness grooming and what you usage to assistance your feline cope with the transition.
Sending you tons of luck with your feline harness grooming from each of america present astatine Fluffy Kitty – Yoda is rooting for you!
The station How to Harness Train a Cat appeared archetypal connected Fluffy Kitty.