Feeling Like a 1950s Debutante Barbie

1 year ago 121

Hey guys!

I truly felt similar a 1950s Debutante Barbie past nighttime astatine the Asian American Awards Unforgettable Gala with my large tulle skirt and gangly achromatic gloves! First clip ever wearing a petticoat and wow WAS IT HEAVY. Also, I ever kinda wanted to cognize what a formal that couldn’t acceptable into a car looked similar and well, present I know.

Oh but you cognize what I don’t know?

How bash you pee?


cassey ho blogilates achromatic  petticoat unforgettable gala 2023

No earnestly though! How did the European ladies, princesses and queens bash it backmost successful the day…because I held it successful each night. There is NO WAY I was gonna fto that tulle interaction the level of a nationalist restroom! Plus how, similar HOW does 1 adjacent navigate the nether regions without sight!?



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A station shared by Cassey Ho (@blogilates)

Oh, and champion compliment of the night: “Did you get a boob job?”

Hahaha nary but chickenhearted cutlets, a corset top, and a small value summation volition bash it 👍

After the gala I went close backmost into enactment mode, mounting up the caller bureau for our archetypal sprout there/last sprout of 2023! Definitely had to spell for a Homegoods tally due to the fact that I was feeling similar we needed much rugs! Here’s a lil’ sneak highest of the caller place!

blogilates neon motion   popflex office

Do you emotion the neon sign?!

Okay backmost to work. TTYL!

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